Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Breakfast time!!! I used to hate bacon (what is wrong with me right?) One thing you will learn about low carbing is that everything is way more delicious when you lay off carbs, I'm not sure if it is our brain giving us a break because we miss our beloved carb friends or because our taste buds are back because the carbs burned them all off, either way, bacon is delicious and when you are on a low carb diet you can eat as much as you want! 

This morning I made a heaping pile of BACON! I like to cook my bacon on low heat because I am terrified of starting a grease fire and I hate the popping so I keep my stove on a 3-4, it takes a little longer but still comes out delicious!

The boyfriend would be perfectly fine with nothing but bacon for breakfast but I like variety so I also hard boiled some eggs to go along with it. There are many ways to hard boil eggs, I set them on high in cold water for 20 minutes and they are perfect for me! 
No carb breakfast is served! Yummm!!

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